Vendor Application Form

Oneida Farmers Market - Oneida - 2023 - 2023 - Thursday

(ver en español)

General Information

Provide up to three physical addresses for your business’ primary point(s) of production. No P.O. Boxes.

Use the table below to report your farm acreage information. Write “N/A” if not a *non-agricultural enterprise.

*Non-farm enterprises are businesses not involved in the production of raw agricultural products as their primary enterprise, but who are actively involved and invested in the processing of value-added foods, baked goods, or hot foods and are selling at the market.

Vendor Types

Identify the products that you will sell or the services that you will provide at this market in the upcoming season. Check all that apply.

** Value-added refers to products with two characteristics:

The farmers make the foods from raw ingredients and primarily, from ingredients that they plant, grow or care for, and harvest.

They process the foods through baking, cooking, canning, drying, fermenting, preserving, or spinning techniques (honey, maple syrup, baked goods, jams, dried fruit, viticulture, pickles, wool yarn, etc.).

*** Prepared food refers to products that farm or non-farm businesses make from ingredients that they primarily purchase. They made the food at the market for immediate consumption (sandwiches, brewed coffee, etc.).

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Structural

Vendor Demographics

Vendor Working Condition

Employee Bargaining Rights and Labor Protections

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Institutional

Vendor Application Process

Culturally Relevant Products

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Interpersonal

Vendor/Community Relationships

Influence of farmers growing practice


Owner Self Identification

What percentage of your business is owned by:

Owner Age

How many owners are younger than 35 years of age as of the most recently completed calendar year?


Including yourself, how many people worked for your business either seasonally or year-round in the most recently completed calendar year? Include family workers (paid and unpaid); hired production, market, or office workers; contract or custom hire labor; and paid interns or apprentices. If zero, please enter “0.”

Produce for Sale

Help us understand the variety of produce available at the market by completing the checklists on the following pages.

Fruits and Nuts for Sale

Vegetables and Herbs for Sale

Meats for Sale

Dairy Products for Sale

Other Products for Sale