Vendor Name
Provide up to three physical addresses for your business’ primary point(s) of production. No P.O. Boxes.
Primary Location Second Location Third Location
Use the table below to report your farm acreage information. Write “N/A” if not a *non-agricultural enterprise.
Owned Acres Leased Acres Cultivated Acres Grazed Acres
Identify the products that you will sell or the services that you will provide at this market in the upcoming season. Check all that apply.
Fruits & Vegetables Meat & Seafood Dairy Eggs Plants & Flowers Nuts & Legumes Value Added** Prepared Food*** Crafts/Arts/Services Retail (storefront) Information Sponsor
** Value-added refers to products with two characteristics:
The farmers make the foods from raw ingredients and primarily, from ingredients that they plant, grow or care for, and harvest.
They process the foods through baking, cooking, canning, drying, fermenting, preserving, or spinning techniques (honey, maple syrup, baked goods, jams, dried fruit, viticulture, pickles, wool yarn, etc.).
*** Prepared food refers to products that farm or non-farm businesses make from ingredients that they primarily purchase. They made the food at the market for immediate consumption (sandwiches, brewed coffee, etc.).
Vendor Demographics
What percentage of your farmers/vendors identify as members of LQBTQ+? What is the average age of your farmers/vendors? To your knowledge, are there other food organizations within the area working to incorporate underserved populations into the food hub?
Vendor Working Condition
On average, how many seasons do you sell at markets? What is considered the liveable hourly wage of the market area? What is the average range of hourly wage you make? Do you have health insurance? If yes, what type of health insurance do you have?
Employee Bargaining Rights and Labor Protections
Do you employ family? Do your employees live with you? What hourly wage do you pay your employees? Are employees protected from workplace injuries? Do employees have unemployment benefits? Is family leave or sick leave offered to employees?
Vendor Application Process
What do vendors say about the difficulty of the application process? Very easy Somewhat easy Somewhat difficult Very difficult Do you have a handbook/bylaws, and how do vendors rate its difficulty of understanding? No handbook/bylaws Very easy Somewhat easy Somewhat difficult Very difficult In what language(s) is the vendor handbook available? English Spanish French Hmong Other? Are any of the following challenges faced during the vendor application process? Language Technical Accessibility Other? Does the market invest in efforts to increase representation of underserved populations?
Culturally Relevant Products
What is your general assessment of the demographic of the market area? What are some types of culturally relevant food products available in the market?
Vendor/Community Relationships
Do vendors provide products that cater to the needs of the community? What languages do vendors speak at the market? On any given market day, how many different languages do vendors speak? Are there signs or bruchures that help bridge the language barrier? How is the perceived friendliness of the market and customers to vendors from underserved populations?
Influence of farmers growing practice
Did you learn about farming practices from shopping at farmers markets? Have you seen changes in growing practices in your community?
Identify the number of owners in your business. Ownership refers to the equity, interest, or stock of the business. What percentage of your business is women-owned?
What percentage of your business is owned by:
White Hispanic or Latino Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian or Asian American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Two or More Prefer Not to Answer
How many owners are younger than 35 years of age as of the most recently completed calendar year?
<= 35 Years Old Owners
Including yourself, how many people worked for your business either seasonally or year-round in the most recently completed calendar year? Include family workers (paid and unpaid); hired production, market, or office workers; contract or custom hire labor; and paid interns or apprentices. If zero, please enter “0.”
Seasonal (worked 149 days or less) - Last Calendar Year Year-round (worked 150 days or more) - Last Calendar Year Do you anticipate fewer, the same, or more workers devoted to production and marketing for this farmers market in the upcoming season?
Help us understand the variety of produce available at the market by completing the checklists on the following pages.
Almonds Apples Apricots Apriums Asian Pears Avocados Blackberries Blueberries Boysenberries Cactus Pears Canary Melons Cantaloupes Cherimoyas Cherries Chestnuts Citron Currants Dates Feijoas Figs Grapefruit Grapes Guavas Honeydew Melons Jujubes Kiwis Kumquats Lemons Limes Loquats Mandarins Mulberries Nectarines Olives Oranges PawPaws Peaches Peanuts Pears Plums Pluots Pomegranates Pomelos Quince Raspberries, Black Raspberries, Red Satsumas Strawberries Tayberries Walnuts, Black Walnuts, English Watermelon Wineberries Other:
Artichokes Arugula Asparagus Beans, Green Beans, Dry Beets Beet Greens Bok Choy Broccoli Broccoli Rabe Brussels Sprouts Cabbage, Green Cabbage, Purple Cactus Cardoons Carrots Cauliflower Celeriac Celery Chard Chicory Chipilín Collards Corn, Sweet Cress Cucumbers Dandelion Greens Eggplant Epazote Fava Beans Fennel Garlic Bulb Garlic Scapes Herbs, Fresh Hierbamora Horseradish Jicama Kale Kohlrabi Lambs Quarters Leeks Lettuce Lima Beans Mesclun (mixed greens) Mushrooms Mustard Greens Okra Onions Orach Parsnips Peas, English Peas, Sugar Snap Peas, Snow Pea Shoots Peppers, Hot Peppers, Sweet Green Peppers, Sweet Red Peppers, Sweet Purple Peppers, Sweet Yellow Potatoes Pumpkins Purslane Radishes Rhubarb Rutabagas Salsify Scallions Shallots Spinach Sprouts Squash, Summer Squash, Winter Sunchokes Sweet, Potatoes Sweet Potato Greens Tomatillos Tomatoes Turnips Turnip Greens Yacon Other:
Beef, All Cuts Beef, Ground Chicken, Whole & Cuts Chicken, Ground Duck, Whole & Cuts Goat, All Cuts Goat, Ground Lamb, All Cuts Lamb, Ground Pork, All Cuts Pork, Ground & Sausage Tofu or Meat Substitute Turkey, Whole & Cuts Turkey, Ground Other:
Cheese, Cow Cheese, Goat Cheese, Sheep Eggs, Chicken Eggs, Duck & Quail Kefir Milk Yogurt Other:
Bread Crackers Cereals Muffins Jams Preserved/Fermented Veggies Pastries Herb Seeds Herb Seedlings Fruit Trees/Shrubs Vegetable Seeds Vegetable Seedlings Other: